Friday, December 25, 2009

Try this image!

Hey everyone, how are all your screenprinting projects going?

I'm pretty excited for mine. We just got a new printer with a built in scanner on top. Now I can scan in all of my sketches and start screenprinting them onto what ever I want.

I've been fooling around all morning with a few of my drawings, so I thought that I would share with you my first sketch turned into yudo design.

Keep in mind I haven't burned a screen with this design so I don't quite know if the tips of the beak and feet will turn out but feel free to use it for any of your yudo projects!

Here is a link to a larger image to the picture above:

I'd love to hear about some of your finished project or designs, so leave a comment! and feel free to ask questions if you have any problems.

I'll be updating every once in a while with new designs that you can use in the future too, so make sure to come back and check :)




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